We’re Still Here

5 Mar

Oh my goodness, how is it possible I haven’t posted since January?!?

I guess it’s because things have been busy. Fortunately, we all remain healthy.

Michaela is doing well with homeschool (Mike’s a great teacher). She recently did some testing and it showed she’s continuing to grow academically and has above average scores. She’s doing an in-person ceramics class one day a week, which gets her out of the house, and doing some masked socializing with peers. It really makes a huge difference, because Mike and I are definitely not 11-year-old girls.

Mike has been very busy with work. As the COVID-19 rates decline in our county, he’s doing more in-person video shoots as well as livestreams and Zoom-style recordings for clients all over the state. We had a couple of weeks where he was traveling a lot; now he’s home but will begin traveling again in a week or so.

All of Mike’s parents have received at least one dose of the COVID vaccine. My dad is scheduled to get his at the end of March. And I go get mine tomorrow!

I’ve been thoroughly immersed in TK-12 school employee vaccinations for the last few weeks, which has led to some extremely stressful long days. I realized last week that I was feeling as stressed as I was in March 2020. Considering that I nearly died from stress then, that was not a good place to be. It’s better now, mostly, but I have to continue to be conscious of my blood pressure and do what I can (exercise, rest, etc.) to keep it down.

In coming weeks, we will have a visit from Mike’s mom and stepdad, which we’re very excited about. And hopefully we’ll be able to do more of the stuff we’ve enjoyed during these strange times: talking walks around our neighborhood, going for hikes, playing boards games, doing puzzles, and spending (distanced) time with friends.

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