So Many To Dos

5 Nov

We’re leaving in four days for a two-week long vacation, so this weekend has been a rush of activity. Load after load of laundry. Trips to Target and the mall for last-minute purchases (including my failed attempt at finding a light windbreaker-type rain jacket for Michaela. I know we live in San Diego, but seriously, why aren’t there any in stores?!?). Many purchases on Amazon– with Prime, the jacket and other things I ordered, like a new pair of running shoes for me, will be here in two days. Checking and double checking the calendar to make sure nothing slips through the cracks while we’re gone (gotta get food for the canned food drive Michaela’s Girl Scout troop is leading!).

I need a vacation from all my getting ready!

And then I’ll need a vacation to recover from my vacation. 😉

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