Another Birthday Celebration

12 Dec

On Saturday, Michaela had about a dozen of friends over for her birthday party. Or should I say, her first birthday party. Today – her actual birthday – my parents, brother, and Mike’s cousin joined us for a second, family birthday party for Michaela.

The birthday girl said she wanted make-your-own-English-muffin-pizzas for dinner, and, continuing the Shopkins theme, Mike made a Kooky Cookie cake. It was a giant chocolate chip cookie, kind of like a pizooki from the BJ’s restaurant chain. Needless to say, Michaela was thrilled.

At one point, she was using a (sharp, serrated) knife to cut her pizza and I told her to let Uncle Michael help. She said, “Mom, I’m 7 years old. I can do things myself!” Apparently that’s what seven means.

The family came over, we made pizzas and had salad, opened presents (and Skyped with Grandma Lynda and Grandpa Bruce), and then demolished the cookie cake. At the end, I asked Michaela what was her favorite part of the day and she said “spending it with my family.”

It was a very good day.

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