Goodbye, 2015

31 Dec

In lieu of a “Top 10 moments of 2015” list or anything of that ilk, I’ve asked each member of the family to share their favorite moment(s) of 2015.


“Hmm… I liked the really good cookie celebration with Daddy at school. I liked in 2015 that we decorated the Christmas tree with lots of ornaments. I liked playing with Ashlan.  That’s probably about it.”

[Yeah, ’cause nothing else happened outside of the last couple of weeks.]


“I don’t know, what was yours, Mom?”


[This is why I write the blog, not Mike.]


“I loved our trip to Europe, and getting to see so much family here and other places (Mike’s bro and his family visiting in February; going to Colorado to see Mike’s mom and stepdad and extended family; going to Oklahoma for our annual trip to visit Mike’s dad, stepmom, and brothers; Thanksgiving with Mike’s aunt and uncle and their family; visits from Mike’s mom, stepdad, dad, and stepmom over a few weeks in December; plus our usual quality time with my parents). I loved watching Michaela learn and grow. She’s gotten so big and so smart and so interesting and funny! I loved seeing Mike’s business continue to evolve and grow. I was thrilled to put together a great team at work that’s going to kick butt and take names in 2016. And I read nearly 10 books this year!”

[Turns out this is a Top 10 list after all.]

Here’s to a great 2016!

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