Crystal Ball

26 Nov

We had a parent-teacher conference last week with Michaela’s kindergarten teacher. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, and had some questions going in. I was totally disarmed, though, when her teacher said, “when I look in my crystal ball and picture Michaela’s high school graduation, I see her addressing her class. She’ll either be class president or valedictorian. I hope you’ll invite me to her graduation.”

She has been teaching a long time and is one of these no-nonsense teachers who keeps her kids in line. She’s maybe a little awkward with grown ups (or maybe just with me?), but she lights up around the kids.

The teacher told us that a couple of weeks ago, the class walked to the lunch area and Michaela freaked out. She was very upset and crying because she’d forgotten her lunch. Not at home– it was in her backpack, in the classroom. The teacher said that moment reminded her that Michaela is a little kid; she loves talking to Michaela and otherwise often forgets that she’s just 5 years old.

Michaela’s not at the top of the class in terms of being able to read and write or do math. She isn’t an athlete. But she’s a good person, and articulate and curious to boot. I couldn’t be any more proud.


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