
1 Oct

Sometimes Michaela says things that just crack me up. Tonight, she was fighting sleep. We have a set routine for bedtime, but usually Mike does it with her, not me. He’s out of town, though, so it was all me– and I got to listen to these chestnuts.

Michaela, laying in bed, not sleeping. Me sitting in the rocking chair in her room. Out of nowhere, Michaela says, “I asked myself, ‘Do I want to rock [on my lap, in the chair] or do I want to lay in bed?’ You know what I decided? I want to rock.”

Later, a big yawn. Then, “Goodnight, sweet little bear!”

This is the same girl who I took to Rubio’s today for dinner. She said to me, completely out of the blue, in the sweetest tone ever, “Thank you, Mommy.” I asked her thank you for what? She said, “For bringing me to Rubio’s.” I told her thank you for being so sweet, to which she replied, “I don’t always carry my good manners with me, but I try.”

Today was one of those days. In the shower this morning, she was talking about my mom, who, for whatever reason, she sometimes refers to as “Grammy.” (For the record, my mom’s “official” name to Michaela is Grandma Janice, so this is something Michaela just made up on her own.) I said something about Grammy and Michaela said, “Mom, you know what a Grammy is?” I said “Your grandma?” She said, “No! It’s a music award!”

That was a little bit after I’d wrapped up the first day of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Which is really hard, btw. Jillian said, “let’s do some more jumping jacks!” I groaned, “AGAIN?!?” And Michaela piped up with “You probably should have picked something else, Mom.” Indeed.

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