
31 Mar

Michaela is a very verbal child.  She knows a lot of words, and she’s not afraid to use them.  She talks A LOT.  And now she’s started “reading.”

The other day, Mike sat down with her on the couch so she could “read” me “The Three Little Pigs.”  As Mike turned the pages, she narrated what was happening on each page, both describing the action (“Big Bad Wolf run away!”) and quoting, in her 2-year old way, the words (“Not by da hair onna chinny chin!”).  It’s gotta be one of the cutest things ever.

She also likes to sing songs to us.  Favorites include the ABCs and “Twinkle Twinkle.”  She knows part of “Mary Had a Little Lamb” except she insists Mary had an “Inka Kitty,” Inka being my mom’s cat, who Michaela adores.  In the song, as in life, Inka Kitty has “fur as black as coal.”

Michaela can answer a host of questions.  If it’s a question about color (“what color is that parrot?”), the answer is often “white.”  If the question is about “how many,” the answer is often “two.”  Either that, or she shows off her counting skills and goes right up to 10.  If it’s question she doesn’t know the answer to, or one that’s too complex for her to answer, she often says, “good!”

She loves to identify people.  When we look at pictures, she can tell us which one is Cousin Peyton, which one is Grandma Lynda (or Grandma Janice or Grandma Laura), which one is Grandpa Bill (or Grandpa Bruce or Papa Var), etc.  And whenever she sees my camera lately, she asks me to “take a smile.”  I guess because when I take her picture, I often tell her to smile.

It’s really too cute!

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