Money’s Worth

21 Mar

Mike and I went to Lowe’s last night and picked up some seeds and a number of already-started plants for this year’s veggie garden.  Each year, we do a garden– usually starting off well and then becoming lazier and lazier about watering, to the point that our harvest is diminished.  But that will not happen this year!  This year, we pledge to be diligent about our garden for two reasons: 1), now that only one of us is working full-time, it doesn’t hurt to save money (and be more healthy) by growing our own veggies and 2), I’m going to blog about our progress, which adds some incentive to actually Make Some.

I’m going to be in charge of some container gardening and Mike is going to take care of the actual plot.  I’m doing:

–dill (love it, and dill potato salad is such a delicious summertime treat!)

–cilantro (we use a ton of it)

–pole beans (grow well in containers)

–eggplant (also allegedly a good container plant)

–lettuce (just because it’s so easy and we planted some last year that is growing again), and

–serrano chilis (another thing we use frequently).

Mike is doing three types of tomatoes (Early Girls, Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes, and beefsteak), cucumbers, and squash (probably acorn, but we haven’t actually gotten that one yet).  We also have some seeds (carrots, watermelon, rosemary) left over from last year that we may plant just for the heck of it.

We spent $16.88 on the seeds and starter plants, so my goal is to get at least that much out of our garden.  Hopefully more.  I think it’s do-able.  I’ll post pictures of our bounty once the harvest is in!

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  1. Mike and Music » Blog Archive » Garden Update - March 31, 2010

    […] I wrote a few days ago, Mike and I have planted our spring/summer garden.  I am proud to announce that the […]

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