Well Underway

6 Sep

Michaela’s first week of 6th grade was a complete success.

After some hiccups, we were able to get pick up her uniforms. She looked adorable on the first day (complete with lip gloss… because apparently middle school is when a desire to wear makeup starts), decked out in a skort and logo polo and new shoes.

She made a new friend, with whom she’s been eating lunch and hanging out before and after school.

She likes her teachers and we haven’t heard any complaints about classes being boring.

Heck, she even had good things to say about school lunch!

Mike and I were very sure of our choice to send her to a local charter school, even though Michaela wasn’t very excited about it. At the end of the first day, I asked if it was better than, worse than, or the about what she expected. She said it was better. And I count that as a win.

My favorite story from the first week comes from Mike, who picked her up on the third or fourth day of school. He pulled up and held up the little sign we were given to indicate which kid is ours. The staffer at pick up started to radio for Michaela but then looked around and saw Michaela and directed her to the car. This person, who sees every kid getting picked up, knew our kid by face and name after only a few days. Then, the PE teacher came by, saw Michaela, and told Mike, “Michaela told me about her Scouts fitness requirement. We’ve got a plan and are going to take care of it.” Again– this PE teacher is the coach for the whole school and knew who Michaela was and could point to something specific they’d talked about and how they are going to work together to help Michaela meet a goal.

That’s part of why Mike and I picked a school that has 400 kids instead of 1,100. We wanted our kid to be known by name, strengths, and needs. So far, so good!

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