Wrapping Up 1st Grade

4 Jun

The end of the school year is upon us and I for one am thrilled. We’ve hit that point in the year where I wake up dreading the process of making lunch (what to pack? We have no food!)… where it isn’t dark out until after 8, so bedtime is hard… and where, therefore, Michaela is tired and grumpy in the morning and not excited to get up for school each morning.

That being said, there are also lots of fun things about the end of the school year, like open house! Michaela’s was last Friday and she was very proud as she took us around her classroom and showed us what he’d been working on this semester. They did “me poems,” where each kid narrated their likes and dislikes, and some autobiographical facts. I, of course, and tickled by Michaela’s


Her school also does a full on art show, where at least one piece or art from each kid is matted and displayed, gallery, style. Here’s the artist with her piece, a great example of composition in art.



She’s made a lot of good friends and grown and matured a lot. First grade is almost in the books!


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