We’re Going to Japan!

23 Oct

For my birthday, one of the gifts Mike gave me was a subscription to a flight deals service/website. We get multiple emails each day with deals to go all over the world at really low prices. It really is a great gift for someone like me, who has the travel bug!

There were some good deals to China, but that country isn’t really at the top of my list. Mike was very interested, though, and I suggested maybe we could do Japan as a compromise. He’d still get to visit Asia, we’d go someone cool and international, and we’d get to see if Michaela’s interest in Japan is a real thing. When a deal came through that would allow the three of us to travel nonstop, roundtrip, direct from San Diego, to Tokyo for about $500 per person, we were sold.

So we’re going to Japan in March! Spring break will include cherry blossoms, sushi, and bullet trains!

Matte rarenai… Google Translate says that means “I can’t wait!”

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