Happy Father’s Day

19 Jun

Father’s Day is the one time a year where I *might* make two meals that require actual cooking (vs. school days, when I make a bowl of cereal and something for Michaela’s lunch).

What can I say? I’m lucky to be married to Mike! That’s why the point of today was to spoil him.

This morning, I made bacon, blueberry muffins, and a goat cheese and pepper scramble, plus fresh OJ with oranges from our tree.

For dinner, I made chicken Madeira with mushrooms, steamed asparagus, and mashed potatoes.

And now I am pooped!

We had a very nice day, though. For some crazy reason, after we all slept until 8:30 yesterday, we were all awake at 6:45 this morning. Michaela gave Mike one of his presents and then I started working on breakfast while they lazed around. After breakfast, Mike opened more presents, then we lazed some more. Eventually we got dressed and spent hours looking at various open houses, before coming home for Mike to take a nap, Michaela to watch her tablet, and me to start cooking. They’re off on a walk and I’m watching the last minutes of Game 7 of the NBA Finals.

Hope you had a similarly happy Father’s Day!

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