Good Girl

5 Feb

Michaela accompanied me to the doctor today. I had to have some lab work done and she spent the whole time chatting with the extremely friendly and competent tech who took my blood. Michaela told her all about how I need to eat more spinach (test was to see if/why I’m anemic) and how she LOVES broccoli. They chatted about carrots (“I LOVE carrots! Especially carrot smoothies!”) and Michaela told her she’d asked me if we could go to the library when we were done.

The tech turned to me and said, “She loves carrots and broccoli and is begging to go to the library? Good job, Mom!” I was super proud, not because of the external validation (though that was nice), but because I do feel like Michaela is growing up to be a good person, which has become one of my main goals in life.

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