First Day Photos

7 Sep

Tomorrow is Michaela’s first day of kindergarten. We’ve done our back-to-school shopping, practiced walking to school, attended almost a full day of kinder stuff, and more. This afternoon, I got out our white board and wrote “First Day of Kindergarten” and the date, so Michaela can hold it up for our traditional first day of school photo. You know, the one that every yuppie parent takes and posts on Facebook and Instagram? The one that now seems almost like an expectation, at least among certain people (like my peers)?

That got me thinking. I don’t think my parents took a picture of me on the first day of school… EVER. I’m not sure if it’s always been something people do and my parents just didn’t do it (which wouldn’t be out of the question) or if it is a new, social media phenomenon. I guess it doesn’t matter, but it’s kind of an interesting question. Did you parents take first day of school pictures of you?

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