Cosmo Girl

23 Jul

Michaela is growing to be a cosmopolitan kid.

Tonight, we went to dinner at our favorite sushi place. I ordered her a shrimp roll, which was huge, and she polished it off, along with some miso soup and edamame, neither of which I tried until I was an adult. I know some kids who eat only bread, fruit, and cheese, so it makes me really happy to see how open she is to a wide variety of cuisine.

Before she went to bed, she was flipping through my new Smithsonian magazine that came today. I was doing something else but heard her excitedly exclaim, “I’ve been there!” I looked over to see what she was looking at and it was a spread on Pompeii. Together we flipped through the article’s pictures and she pointed out all the things that we saw when we were there and we talked about the things shown in the pix that we didn’t see on our visit. It just goes to show that at five years old, things “stick” and it’s worth exposing her to them.

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