Christmas Eve Tradition

24 Dec

Growing up, my family always spent Christmas Eve with my mom’s side of the family. Sometimes my grandma would come over, sometimes she wouldn’t, but my aunt Jerry was a constant. I adored her and Christmases with her and my parents and brother are some of my most fond childhood memories. We’d watch the Lakers play, open presents, and, starting around my tween years, order pizza and rent (non-Christmas) movies. One year we watched “Pulp Fiction!”

Jerry died 14 years ago and I still miss her terribly. It helps, though, that each year we’re home (when we don’t have guests), Mike, Michaela and I spend Christmas Eve making pizza and watching Christmas movies. It’s slightly different than my childhood, but making it our own is part of the charm.

Whatever you’re doing tonight, here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas!

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