Movin’ shoes

28 Oct

In May of this year, I was at my heaviest weight, outside of when I was pregnant. I was super heavy! By June, my mom asked me if I was pregnant, based on how I looked in a picture Mike posted on Facebook. I wasn’t; I was just fat. In July, with encouragement from my friend Arika, I started pilates and got on the road to being fit.

I was doing pilates 3-4 times a week by the time August rolled around. We headed to Kansas for Mike’s brother’s wedding and I packed my running shoes and workout gear and began the Couch to 5K program. The idea is, you can go from sitting on your butt to running a 5K in about 9 weeks, using this app that gradually increases the amount of running you do until you’re running for 30-40 minutes straight.

Since then, I’ve continued to do the C25K program — though not as much as I should (you’re supposed to run three times a week; I’m waaaaaaay below that. My friend Elyse is being very encouraging on the running front, so hopefully that will improve) — and to go to pilates. I’ve tried a CrossFit class, Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred, and the Lifehacker 7 minute workout. I have been much better about what I eat, and even got a Fitbit to help motivate me to take more steps throughout the day and drink plenty of water (you’re supposed to drink half your weight in ounces each day).

It’s paying off, too. I am down just over 20 pounds since May. My clothes are all too big and I feel better than I have in a long time.

I’m really proud of the way I’ve started to incorporate fitness into my life in a sustainable way. In September when I went on my annual girls’ trip with my college friends, I went to the hotel’s fitness center both days I was there. And last week, when I was in Atlanta for a consulting gig, I went to the gym. In fact, I got in at about 8:30 p.m. and went immediately to the gym to run. I did it because I’d spent all day on the plane, being sedentary, and I wanted to get in my steps and burn some calories. I knew I’d probably eat too much while I was gone, so I ran again the next day, too.

This new me? I like it a lot!

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