Operation Sleepover

1 Feb

Michaela has been excited for two weeks for her friend Finn to spend the night at our house. It’s her first-ever sleepover, and she had a long list of things she wanted to do. We’re almost halfway through and I’m happy to say I think we have met all her expectations. And there’s more fun to be had tomorrow!

We had dinner with Finn and his family, then came home. Since Mike is out of town tonight, it’s just me, Michaela, Finn and Rey the dog. The kids played for a little bit, then they shared a bubble bath. Lots of bubbles, all of Michaela’s toys. Lots of giggling and fun. After they dried off and got their jammies on, they got settled in front of the TV to watch “Wreck It Ralph.” I popped popcorn and made them hot chocolate with snowman marshmellows. They snuggled up on the couch, him with Gusto (his lovey) and her with “Watch” (her stuffed elephant lovey, continuing the trend of giving dolls/stuffed animals random noun names).

Soon enough, the movie will end and they’ll brush their teeth before heading to bed. Michaela has decided that she wants Finn to sleep in his sleeping bag on top of the covers, while she sleeps under the covers. I’m not sure why, but he was amenable to that, so I guess that’s what they’ll do.

Mike will be back late tonight and he has said he plans to make pancakes for breakfast tomorrow morning.

All-in-all, a pretty darn good first sleepover!

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